Re: login -h

H Morrow Long (long-morrow@CS.Yale.EDU)
Thu, 8 Dec 1994 10:44:42 -0500

>Real simple fix:  chmod 700 /bin/login.
>Why's that program set-uid anyway?
>It hasn't been set-uid here for a long time and has given us no problems.
>(Most login allow you to hide your fromabouts with "login username".
>This clears the ut_host bit of the utmp[x] file)

The original login still shows up in the wtmp file though.  And I can find
out where (what IP address) you are coming in from by doing a 'netstat -na'.

Doing a 'login username' from the C shell can occassionally be useful,
especially if you are using someone else's workstation or X terminal
and just want to start up a new xterm and login as yourself (yeah I
know you can 'su' or 'telnet localhost'!).

- Morrow